The Energylandia Amusement Park in Zator has extensive experience in projects connected to the completion of roller coasters and the implementation of innovative solutions on international scale. Our company has thus far completed the following projects subsidised from the European Union programmes:

“Construction of an innovative amusement park combining technology, entertainment and education: edutainment”
As part of Measure 4.4 OP IE.
The total value of this project was 73 829 564 PLN, and the amount of the subsidy was 41 752 988 PLN.

“Revolution in the entertainment industry: physical sensations in the virtual reality.”
As part of Measure 4.4 OP IE.
The total value of this project was 71 316 100 PLN, and the amount of the subsidy was 34 002 450 PLN.
As part of this project 3 new roller coasters have been built, equipped in state-of-the-art technology in the entertainment industry using a unique combination of real entertainment with virtual reality.

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